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For enquiry

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You will be guided by an admissions consultant through the challenging admissions application process. These experts are also in charge of helping students fill out applications for financial aid and tuition waivers.

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Courses Information

We cater to all individuals with customized programs to suit their requirements and foster a fun learning culture.

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We cater to all individuals with customized programs to suit their requirements and foster a fun learning culture.

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Fess & Structure

We cater to all individuals with customized programs to suit their requirements and foster a fun learning culture.

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Plot No-12, 3rd Floor, Satya Niketan, Opposite Venketeshwar College, New Delhi-110021

Only for inquiries about admission to distance learning

About Us

Dayitwa Education is the most reputable source of distance learning training and certification, assisting students in reshaping their professions and being future-ready.We offer individualised programmes to meet the needs of every person and promote a positive learning environment.

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